Tag: tau cross rosaries

Catholic Confirmation Gifts

Shopping ahead for a unique Confirmation gift? I offer a wide selection of original Catholic art, handmade wooden rosaries, and more at my Etsy shop! My handcrafted items make wonderful Catholic gifts to share with family and friends. Free shipping in the US. US shipping only.

St Therese of Lisieux love quote card – www.etsy.com/barbmclaughlinart/listing/651684229/

Sacred Heart centerpiece rosary – www.etsy.com/barbmclaughlinart/listing/1047398609/

Icon of the Holy Face blank greeting card – www.etsy.com/barbmclaughlinart/listing/571211904/

Franciscan tau cross rosary with 9mm beads – www.etsy.com/barbmclaughlinart/listing/1019188703/

ꟷBlank greeting cards, wood cross and metal crucifix rosaries, and much more at my Etsy shop.

©Barbara G. McLaughlin

Handmade Wooden Rosaries & Original Catholic Art
